Blessed are we that as your students we not only get our questions answered in such an up close and personal way but also with such beautiful accompaniment of music and breath taking, elevating images!
You have created a beautiful and highly effective system to reach your students with knowledge that is highly personalized for our growth and evolution and is masterfully done.
From a Member in Los Angeles
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Very grateful for receiving your video message. You have the gift to find the right words to shine light on the inexplicable.
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Thank you so much for your words and the soul they flow from. You have opened up so much love and beauty to me.I am so thankful for the light you receive and relay. I have always been a seeker and you have greatly helped my search.
From a Member in Germany
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Ted Nottingham's teaching is the most extraordinary example of integration of the perennial truths that I know of in the 21st century. He is also making this so easy to be accessed through his extensive use of video technology with YouTube and our blog. It is all there up on the table, live, with extraordinary generousity and willingness. All this is being presented in his gentle, strong voice and humble manner. I wish that people could know how profound his integration-- in its assimilation and clarity of what we in the western world need so deeply to access at this period of history. Ted has done the 'great work.' This is apparent. He has accomplished the territory. This is an enormous achievement and so very, very rare.
Ted's work now is to pass it on to others. My prayer would be that people would begin to understand this (it is a process); and that they would eat of this wisdom, and work at the digestion and assimilation of this marvelous material into their lives, so that they might offer their fruits and flowers to others. This is what the world needs now.
Member and Professor of Religion
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Honestly in all my years of searching you are the only pastor I have come across that seems to understand what he is teaching. Personally I have basically given up on finding a church with a spiritual father for me. Never the less, there has to be a place for those of us that hunger so desperately for Spirit. For now I can enjoy the Sunday Liturgy ritual and prayers and come home to read The Spiritual Wisdom and Practices of Early Christianity by the Goettmanns thanks to your translation.
I have just started the book last week and it is giving me great joy with an effervescence of Spirit that seems to lift off of each page. Finally between this book and your Written in our Hearts (An awesome achievement in Christian literature!!!) I feel that I have the beginnings of a template for how to walk this Way and begin to apply it to my everyday life in practice.
From a Member
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I found your videos about a month ago while looking into the Gospel of Thomas. Let's just say you made it on my hero list, which is quite small. So many of the things I've learned on my path and questions I still seek understanding of you addressed in a well articulated, knowledgeable, and loving way of a true spiritual brother. I can solve a Rubik's cube in 20 seconds but still had a hard time interpreting some of the teachings in the Bible. I asked Jesus to help me understand some of his teachings and I do feel the Holy Spirit led me to you. Bottom line is I consider you a worthy teacher, a spiritual Brother, and Friend.
From a New Member
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This is the most excited I have ever been about the internet. What an awesome group of awesome people!
From a New Member
These teachings are a spiritual life line in my life. There are no words to describe how helpful the monthly exercises (and more recently the quotes you share with us via email) are in my daily life. Another tremendous source of help is 'connecting' with other seekers via their questions that you share in video teachings. There are days you post a new video with a question from a student, and that question directly addresses the struggle that I am also enduring. I know this 'connection' happens with other seekers too.
From a Member in Canada
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